(07-30-2020, 06:16 PM)freeloader Wrote: Looks like CSU-Global entered into an agreement with Shmoop in 2019. Their website still shows that they accept Shmoop credit, but if you look at the transfer guide, it looks (to me, at least) like they are crediting hours and Shmoop will meet Gen Ed requirement, but perhaps not specific degree requirements:
I am enrolled at CSU right now and the paperwork I have from them about alternative credit sources which are accepted doesn't include Shmoop. They are selective with alt credits as well. Keep in mind that tuition is $350 per credit and you're required to take 30 credits at CSU Global. There's an addition to this file. They just started taking English Composition II from Sophia within the last few weeks.
(07-30-2020, 04:41 PM)wow Wrote:(07-30-2020, 12:42 PM)rachel83az Wrote: Have you actually tried Shmoop? It's, uh, very frustrating, to say the least. I'm not saying not to investigate further, but it's something that you should be aware of before you rely too heavily on Shmoop (assuming it's accepted). I was both relieved and saddened that TESU stopped accepting them.
I haven't, but I have read the old threads about the hair-splitting test questions so I know they can be frustrating. I am not looking to rack up 10 credits in a month or anything like that, which would be hard with those types of tests. More like 3 or 4 to knock out a few classes so I don't have to sit through 8/16 weeks of lessons on things I already know. Study.com is also an option, of course, but Shmoop has some interesting offerings that Study.com doesn't. In my case, going with Study.com or Shmoop is not about saving money, since my tuition and most books are already paid for through the union program. It's just a matter of efficiency.
(07-30-2020, 01:12 PM)ss20ts Wrote: The Big 3 don't accept Shmoop. Neither does WGU. There's more to it than just looking at a transcript and seeing if a title fits your degree plan. They actually look at where the credits are from and what the syllabus covers. Just because it's on an ACE transcript does not mean it will be accepted.
I know that each credit is evaluated for appropriateness to the degree plan, but that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking about a provider being rejected out of hand. And the Big 3 are not my focus (anymore--I had been looking at COSC, but since they no longer accept subject area GREs for credit, the price for upper levels makes the degree more than I'm willing to pay for it). The union program pays for lower and upper level credits, so the schools that participate in it are the ones I'm focused on now, in addition to University of the People, which officially accepts ACE but is very strict about exact matches.
Since there are people in this forum who have attended outside the Big 3, I was hoping some might have tried to transfer credits from Shmoop and could share their experience.
(07-30-2020, 01:12 PM)ss20ts Wrote: UMPI only accepts 30 ACE credits. They don't accept ACE from everywhere either. I applied there this week. Hoping to transfer from CSU in August so I can finish my degree significantly faster.
Have you found a list of providers they don't accept? I read on another thread that they are fine with Shmoop. (This is curiosity; I'm not looking at UMPI.)
It's easier to find a list of what a college does accept. Many have agreements with Sophia, SL, and SDC. Just have Google them and if there's an agreement they come up.