07-28-2020, 09:03 AM
If you're just looking for a generic associate's as a placeholder until they can decide what they actually want, the (mostly) free Pierpont BOG AAS sounds like it could be a good route for you.
If your kids don't want to/aren't able to jump on the ASU deal right now, there are community colleges that have credits for around the same price as a Sophia course would be normally. Or ASU EA is only about $400 for 3-4 credits, once the deal is over.
With 4 ASU EA $99 classes, the total cost of a Pierpont BOG AAS should be less than a thousand dollars ($99x4 + $480 at Pierpont for a 1-credit course) if you want transcripts with the degree.
If your kids don't want to/aren't able to jump on the ASU deal right now, there are community colleges that have credits for around the same price as a Sophia course would be normally. Or ASU EA is only about $400 for 3-4 credits, once the deal is over.
With 4 ASU EA $99 classes, the total cost of a Pierpont BOG AAS should be less than a thousand dollars ($99x4 + $480 at Pierpont for a 1-credit course) if you want transcripts with the degree.