Thanks, Bryan. I read the blog and I am extremely impressed with Joe's accomplishments. The article mentioned he will be attending Montgomery College - so I looked the school up. I've long been a fan of Community Colleges. In my 40s and 50s I graduated from two, here in Canada and I think they do a great job. I was a first-generation CoCo grad and I have children and grandchildren who have gone the same route. My granddaughter has graduated from Community College and is going on to University in the fall. (Her Grandpa didn't get there until 50-odd. She's WAY ahead of the game)
Montgomery looks like a live-wire outfit. I'm sure we'll be hearing more good things about Joe. From the school site, it looks like he'll be attending online for the foreseeable, in these times. I wish him every success. An inspiring story.

Montgomery looks like a live-wire outfit. I'm sure we'll be hearing more good things about Joe. From the school site, it looks like he'll be attending online for the foreseeable, in these times. I wish him every success. An inspiring story.