05-04-2020, 04:44 PM
(05-04-2020, 04:28 PM)dfrecore Wrote:Tha actually makes sesne. I guess I was just saying if you have the credits why not. Maybe apply to associates after the college decision has made then it wouldn't make a difference. Like one final CC course the summer after graduation. But yeah I agree the associates might not help much. But if OP is set on an associates then this local CC would be cheaper and eiaser then COSC if they already have 15 credits dual enrolled.(05-04-2020, 04:00 PM)natshar Wrote: I agree but if the CC is has a good policy and allows 45 credits via CLEP and AP she could do 15 credits at the CC and get an associates that way. But you would ahve to double check with the college to make sure it lines up that way. It would cheap than a COSC associates thats for sure.
Another good option is ASU earned admissions she can get graded credit for only $100. And it is from a four university so even more likely to transfer to an elite school than clep, ap or even CC. English comp I and II and the math are all self paced.
And sopia isnt a total loss with all these time due to corona if there a subject your daughter finds particularly interesting (sciece, visual com, maybe IT) she can do those for fun. And still learn a little bit and get credit even if its not super useful.
Also if you want you daughter to get a FULL RIDE to an elite University. Check out the Evans Scholarship. The trick is you have to be a golf caddy at a qualifying country club for a few in order to even qualify. My brother and sister were golf caddies for years I believe they started at age 13. It is a really good job for young people. Maybe not this summer due to virus but next summer. My cousin got the Evans scholarship back in the day. According the their website they had a few years ago 800 applications and accepted 200 of them and apparently they are getting less applicants every year. While at the same time they are expanding the program and adding more schools. Just something to think about. They have some really elite schoolsike University of Michigan, Notre Dame and University of Washington.
And btw my brother and sister never actually applied for the evans. My sisters grades weren't good enough for the schools had to apply to. Plus she didn't want to go thsoe schools anyway. And brother joined the military. The reasin my parents even wanted them to be caddies was for the evans. But its okay they got some good work experience and spending money.
If you interested google for more information. Also many of the schools in the evans accept CLEP which is a bonus.
There is no point in getting an AA from COSC (or any other school) if you're looking to get into an elite university. They won't take it as a block transfer, so they'll pick it apart. And, it may make it harder to get in rather than easier; and harder to qualify for scholarships.
If my child was looking to go to an elite school, we would go the full-on traditional route 100%. AP & DE only (don't care if it's a CC or 4yr). You don't want an AA from a non-brand school with alternative credits muddying the waters on the application.
Also there is a middle college program near my house and graduates from that school get associates degrees and some of them have gotten into really elite schools. But maybe it is because of the nature of the program and its not the same as random dual enrollment.