08-26-2019, 08:42 PM
Thank you very much Dave. The ultimate goal is just a sense of accomplishment and the possibility to complete a degree after trying for many years by the B&M route. Another advantage about BALS for me is that I don't have to take any Math since I have Intermediate Algebra. I plan to do DSST Principles of Adv English Comp for the Eng II and Into to Oral Comm from SL for the Speech to keep going (maybe the Workplace Comm from SDC might be better). Also thinking about Intro to Computers or CIS107 Intro to Comp applications TECEP to get the enrollment started. If I decide to go for BALS, would you all recommend General Mgmt or HR Mgmt for the concentration? I am willing to take 1 Cr Jane Austen class and 3 additional courses from TESU to avoid residency waiver.