04-21-2008, 11:10 PM
bmills072200 Wrote:I would stick with the 529 accounts...too much risk involved in pre-paying for something that could dramatically change over the next 15-20 years...>>
This is also my suggestion. In addition, when the time comes, there will be new options that we have not yet invented- as well as the old stand-bys like scholarships, grants, and student loans. I'm in the minority, but I don't see any reason a child shouldn't pay for some of his degree. By pay, I mean working hard to earn scholarships, grants and and then taking out student loans. Of course, if CLEP is still around, that's a great way to reduce extensive costs.
One last thing, I would keep the money in your name. Your dear sweet 18 year old could blow it all on whatever she wants if you don't.