04-19-2008, 07:34 PM
knucyt Wrote:Cookderosa - it does seem that APs can be a good intellectual challenge for bright kids, but there appears to be an issue with 4 yr schools now refusing to accept them for college credit. I can only offer anecdotal experience (and you may have far more specific knowledge than I do) but it might be important for parents/young students to check w/specific schools on whether they still give credits for APs exams - I have a lot of friends whose kids have been applying for college in the last 18 months to 4 year schools and all of them have said the schools refused to give them credit for AP exams at this point. Community colleges do accept them for credit and are mopping up the market in that regard! So depending on the goal - intellectual challenges versus getting credit - results may vary!>>
Wow really? I hadn't noticed that. Just curious, which colleges were refusing credit? I know that based on score, your credit award may vary. For example, a competitive college may only award credit for a score of 4 or 5, where a community college would happily accept a score of 3.
Of course it does depend on the college, on your score, and on largly on your major.
I can't imagine that there is a college in America who awards CLEP credit but not AP?? Are you sure? I would just double check that before ruling it out.