06-12-2019, 02:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-12-2019, 02:01 PM by ReyMysterioso.)
I've been eyeballing doing exactly what you described with the two-credit courses..... And I am not above sleeping on a bench.... But who's going to cover my lunch? For now, I'm still bent on completing either a Harvard English degree or a Journalism degree. Leaning toward journalism but may stick with English. We'll see.
(On a related note, because work is taking me to Haverhill, MA on the 25th, I'm leaving a day early to visit Harvard campus on the 23rd for Summer School check-in. I'm going to get a student ID and spend the day visiting all the museums, exploring the campus.... and since I hail from Faulkner's Oxford, Mississippi... finding the plaque on the bridge that commemorates the fictional suicide of the fictitious Quentin Compson.
If anyone is interested, I can share photos or information of the excursion on this or a separate thread. While I'm there for work, I plan on networking the hell out of the event and finding a new friend with a guest room in the area.)
(On a related note, because work is taking me to Haverhill, MA on the 25th, I'm leaving a day early to visit Harvard campus on the 23rd for Summer School check-in. I'm going to get a student ID and spend the day visiting all the museums, exploring the campus.... and since I hail from Faulkner's Oxford, Mississippi... finding the plaque on the bridge that commemorates the fictional suicide of the fictitious Quentin Compson.
If anyone is interested, I can share photos or information of the excursion on this or a separate thread. While I'm there for work, I plan on networking the hell out of the event and finding a new friend with a guest room in the area.)