06-05-2019, 08:09 AM
Despite Walmart's primary workforce being entry-level workers ($10-12ish hourly) they DO offer upward mobility, but you have to be willing to get a degree.
If you're willing, they'll pay for it.
I can't believe with programs like this that Walmart still gets haters.
Walmart assistant managers earn $75k and store managers earn 6 figures.
I LOVE that they are expanding into computer majors, I might have to reconsider my son's COSC degree.
Despite Walmart's primary workforce being entry-level workers ($10-12ish hourly) they DO offer upward mobility, but you have to be willing to get a degree.
If you're willing, they'll pay for it.
I can't believe with programs like this that Walmart still gets haters.
Walmart assistant managers earn $75k and store managers earn 6 figures.
I LOVE that they are expanding into computer majors, I might have to reconsider my son's COSC degree.