04-03-2019, 08:00 PM
(01-17-2019, 03:54 PM)jortholmes Wrote: Hello Everyone,Did you have any problems downloading the materials from passyourclass.com? I just purchased the Human Growth and Development version and my computer quarantined the file because it contains a threat called WS.Reputation.1. At this point, I can't access the study guide, no one is there to discuss a replacement file or refund and I'm really in need of legit study materials as opposed to the "The Official Study Guide" that contains NO information on the test. I've hit a wall and may need to reschedule the test because I'm not ready. I'm very frustrated!
Today I took the Lifespan Developmental Psychology DSST and passed with a 413. I know that that score is cutting it pretty close to the 400 passing mark, but I am happy and proud of that score no matter how “low” it may appear. First of all, this test was the quickest that I’ve ever been able to study for, take and then pass a college exam. I prepped for this test in just under 12 days of studying. That’s a pretty amazing time frame to acquire 3 college credits in. I always like to give all the praise and glory to God for allowing me to pass yet another college exam.
I studied for this test using a Lifespan Developmental Psychology study book by Pass Your Class. This website offers condensed teaching formats for most of the CLEP and DSST tests. The particular book that I used for studying had 47 pages to read, 146 practice questions and 144 flashcards. I prepared for the book by completely memorizing all of the flashcards, reading the book several times and then taking the practice questions twice scoring 79% and then 95%.
I also took the 50 practice questions from prometric.com twice scoring 62% and then 78%. I never like taking practice tests from their website, even though they are the actual test makers, their practice questions always seem to be very difficult and vague. The one thing that is very helpful with their site is that you get to take the practice questions in the exact format that your test will be. This is very helpful and makes me more comfortable on test day.
I did a bit of spot reading on Wikipedia on a couple of topics that I wasn’t really getting.
Here are some of the topics that you need to be familiar with and know for the actual test: (These topics were on my actual test.)
§ Erik Erickson's eight stages
§ Albert Bandura created the first IQ test
§ All about the brain, temporal, parietal, occipital and frontal lobes
§ Divergent and convergent thing
§ Social learning theory
§ Object permanence
§ Case study
§ Longitudinal study
§ Cohabitation
§ Aging
§ Visual cliff
§ Proximodistal development
§ Noam Chomsky –language acquisition device
§ Rationalization
§ Id, ego, superego
§ Habituation
I have also taken:
Introduction to World Religions-DSST -479
Principles of Marketing-CLEP -63
Principles of Management-CLEP -56
Principles of Supervision-DSST -422
Introductory Psychology-CLEP -53
Introductory Sociology-CLEP -57
History of the United States 1 -57
Introduction to Business-DSST -435
Introduction to Educational Psychology –CLEP -57
I will be taking the Fundamentals of Counseling DSST next. I’m pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Child and Youth Development through Charter Oak State College.
God bless and happy testing to you all!