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AA + Cert in Communications - Thoughts?
Hey guys!

Was playing around with a new idea instead of straight towards a BA in Liberal Studies w/ communications concentration @ TESU. 

I currently have 39 credits, recently signed up for 30 more through That gets me way past 60 credits for an AA. The temptation to just get my AA is there. 

I'm concerned that with the changes of having to do the new long SOS-110 + the already lengthy Capstone + needing another 50+ in credits, that I'll lose momentum again since I tend to do things in enthusiastic spurts vs. slow and methodical.

I'm wondering if just getting a general AA (which doesn't require a capstone, but appears to need the SOS-110 still) + maybe the Cert in Communications (doesn't appear to require residency fee?) would be a good angle? Then if I am still up for a BA, I can apply all that I've done towards it still?

It looks like when I later go for my BA, I'd just have to pay for another residency fee, capstone and other credits needed? I don't think I'd have to do the SOS-110 again.

Thoughts? I know it sounds terrible, but I was just wondering getting SOMETHING would be better than nothing, since that is likely given my patterns.



P.S. My job doesn't require any degree, I am doing all this for personal satisfaction. Additionally, I am an NJ resident, so some of the discounts are as deep for me.
BALS (Social Sciences) + ASNSM in CS - Sept 2022 TESU graduate

Messages In This Thread
AA + Cert in Communications - Thoughts? - by CarpeDiem8 - 02-23-2019, 09:59 AM

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