03-27-2008, 02:30 AM
The Penn Foster College Managerial Accounting course also fulfills the requirement. Cost is reasonable -- around $175 I think, including textbook and workbook. There are four on-line open-book exams, and then you have to arrange for a proctor for the open-book final. The final has a one-hour time limit, and is not easy, but passable if you're well prepared. If you actually work through the course material as it is designed, you will learn the subject matter quite thoroughly. If you plow through it in a week (like I did) you'll find the final plenty scary. I passed, but it was white-knuckle time waiting for the results. Don't let the fact that it's open-book relax you -- it's a written exam, and the time limit is a challenge even if you know all the answers going in.