11-14-2018, 04:33 PM
I'm not going to tell you not to quit. I know that sounds like crap not to tell someone to keep going, but the truth is that you absolutely 100% can quit if you want to. None of us can say we've never quit. None of us are still taking piano lessons from 2nd grade or playing t-ball. People quit jobs, divorce, and move across the country - and the world still turns. Recognizing that you have a choice is very powerful - and the way I read your words was that you felt trapped by your situation. In my own life, when I've felt trapped by my circumstances, it's an awful experience. So, can you quit? Yes. Should you quit? I have no idea. But, if you can take the time to separate the two problems, you might not feel as overwhelmed. Simply giving yourself permission to walk away from all of this and go back to being a paramedic is totally an option. Seriously. You CAN do that. Separately, whether or not you decide to is a different question, but in my humble opinion, you have more to lose by feeling this way than you could ever lose by doing a pivot.