The following is Dr. Jesse's Five Step Guide to Doing the Whole College Degree Testing Outie Thingie (Patent Pending) 
Step one: I'd take a look at the TESC website and figure out exactly what degree you want.
Step two: Once you figure out what degree you want, apply and have TESC evaluate your transcripts.
Step three: While you're waiting on them to finish your eval, finish up the rest of your FEMA credits. FEMA courses count as Free Electives, so knock out 27 of them and move on.
Step four: Once they evaluate your previous credits, look at the credit distribution list and your degree audit to figure out what classes you need to take and/or test out of to get your degree.
Step five: Get your test on haha.
Hope this helps!!!
FYI: Boredom = Factious :p

Step one: I'd take a look at the TESC website and figure out exactly what degree you want.
Step two: Once you figure out what degree you want, apply and have TESC evaluate your transcripts.
Step three: While you're waiting on them to finish your eval, finish up the rest of your FEMA credits. FEMA courses count as Free Electives, so knock out 27 of them and move on.
Step four: Once they evaluate your previous credits, look at the credit distribution list and your degree audit to figure out what classes you need to take and/or test out of to get your degree.
Step five: Get your test on haha.
Hope this helps!!!

FYI: Boredom = Factious :p
BA, Thomas Edison State College
MS, Grand Canyon University
BA, Thomas Edison State College
MS, Grand Canyon University