03-16-2008, 05:45 PM
I know where you are coming from Runner. I dread doing my weekly homework assignments, especially Electronics. As we speak, I still have to read 100 pages and then do the work. As Cinderly said, take a break every now and again and set up a set schedule. Set a date for the MIS test and then you'll have enough motivation to finish and then watch ants march down the streetwalk. Good Luck!
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]