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Losing Motivation
Lately I have been losing motivation to do anything. I haven't been sleeping and I am so tired of school! Fall semester has started and I just don't seem to have the drive like I used to. 2 weeks in and I am regretting it. I look forward to testing out much more than I do going to classes. I used to love online classes but as a requirement for BAH the VA wants the one class I am taking. It is boring and I just don't feel like I am learning anymore.

Have you ever felt like this? How long does it last?
Hoping is good but doing is better!
plutoon Wrote:Lately I have been losing motivation to do anything. I haven't been sleeping and I am so tired of school! Fall semester has started and I just don't seem to have the drive like I used to. 2 weeks in and I am regretting it. I look forward to testing out much more than I do going to classes. I used to love online classes but as a requirement for BAH the VA wants the one class I am taking. It is boring and I just don't feel like I am learning anymore.

Have you ever felt like this? How long does it last?

HANG IN THERE!!! Yes I have felt like this before. In fact, I felt like this so strongly back when I was a college freshman in the early 90's that I stopped going. Then, back in 2007 when I tried to start my classes back up, I felt like I just couldn't do it so I dropped out again and failed on my 2nd attempt at my undergrad.

Fast forward to 2010 and the need for a degree never went away. It just hung over me refusing to disappear. It doesn't go away. You get older and time goes by and you still need that darn piece of paper. I started studying a little over a year ago and it felt so impossible at first, but I knew by this time that I had to have my degree. I know how quickly time goes by and any given moment that you're sick of studying WILL pass and you will get that much closer to your bachelors. This thought is one of many that kept me going through the tougher moments on this 3rd (successful!) attempt.

No, it's not easy, but it's much, much easier to push through it knowing that you are that much closer to finishing. No you won't use everything that you learn and you may not even learn in every single class, but that won't change the fact that you have learned quite a bit overall in your college career than you would have if you'd not stuck to it. And once you have that degree no one can take it away!!
Regis University, ITESO, Global MBA with a focus in Emerging Markets 4.0 GPA, Dual-university degree (Spanish/English) 
ISSA Certified Nutritionist
COSC BS, Business Admin

My BS Credits:
Spanish 80 | Humanities 67 | A & I Lit 72 | Sub Abuse 452 | Bus Ethics 445 | Tech Writ 62 | Math 53 | HTYH 454 | Am. Govt 65 | Env & Humanity 64 | Marketing 65 | Micro 61| Mgmt 63| Org Behavior 65| MIS 446|Computing 432 | BL II 61 | M&B 50 | Finance 411 | Supervision 437| Intro Bus. 439| Law Enforcement 63|  SL: Accounting I B | Accounting II C+| Macro A | ECE: Labor Relations A | Capstone: A| FEMA PDS Cert 
Yes I have felt like that before but don't let it get the best of you! You just have to think about the long run and how much better off you will be with furthering your education. I'm almost done with all my tests, just have to enroll in TESC for my last 20 credits, so I am feeling very good and want to encourage you!!! Keep going
Been there, for sure. I have no advice other than sucking it up. Unfortunately I have just had to shut my mouth, stop harping on it, and plow through. Eventually, in past experiences, it became bearable again.

Good luck!!
TESC Criminal Justice BA '12
B&M Civil Engineering BS (In Progress)
plutoon Wrote:Lately I have been losing motivation to do anything. I haven't been sleeping and I am so tired of school! Fall semester has started and I just don't seem to have the drive like I used to. Have you ever felt like this? How long does it last?

You know they have pills for this right? hilarious
I know where you are, I am there right now. I am there always when it comes to school. I hate it, but I have to do it if I want those diplomas hanging on the wall. I feel a little relief after posting a "I'm Done" thread. But then that feeling comes back when I start a new degree. :puke:
As PonyGirl93 says (kinda), "suck it up and drive on". I'm sure you heard that one in the military a lot. Nothing has changed.
I think this was meant to be encouraging.:confused:
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Excelsior College - DONE[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]AAS-[SIZE="1"]2009[/SIZE], BSLS-[SIZE="1"]2010[/SIZE] [/SIZE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="2"]Thomas Edison State College - DONE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]BA in History[/SIZE]-[SIZE="1"]2011[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE="2"]Texas A&M University Central Texas[/SIZE]
Master of Arts in History - 18/36 SH

CLEPs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Spanish, Freshman Comp, English Comp w/ Essay, Social Science & Hist, Info Sys & Comp App, Intro Sociology, Prin of Mngmt, American Gov , US History I, US History II, Western Civ I, Western Civ II[/SIZE][/SIZE]
DSSTs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction, Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, History of Vietnam War, Intro Modern Middle East, Western Europe Since 1945, Drug and Alcohol, Here's to Your Hlth, Intro To Comp, Prin of Sup, Technical Writing, Prin of Physical Science I[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
I don't wanna take away from the previous posters, since what they said is totally right. School can't always be fun and games, and often we need to suffer through it, even if we come out feeling like we learnt nothing.

That being said, I think you should consider how you prepare for class. You need to start sleeping better, whatever way you can. Exercise does that for me, makes my body realize how desperately it needs rest. Also if you're not eating right, try to curb that habit. Being physically prepared for class can often be as important as being mentally prepared. I think you'll have more energy to get into class, and get out of your lull. As a teacher, I can tell when students are overworked or not sleeping right.
Goal - BA Mathematics Major at TESC
Plan: International AP Calculus Teacher

B&M (Philosophy, Psychology, Calculus I/II, Physics I/II, Discrete Structures I/II, Comp Sci, Astronomy, Ethics)*42 credits
Athabasca (Nutrition, Globalization)*6 credits
ALEKS (Stats, Precalculus)*6 credits
CLEPS (College Math 73, A&I Lit 73, French 63, Social Sciences and History 59, American Lit 57, English Lit 59)*42 credits
TECEP (English Composition I, II)*6 credits
TESC Courses (MAT 270 Discrete Math A, MAT 321 Linear Algebra B, MAT 331 Calculus III B+, MAT 332 Calculus IV B-,
MAT 361 College Geometry B+, MAT 401 Mathematical Logic B, LIB-495 Capstone B)*21 credits
DSST (MIS, Intro to Computing)*6 credits*(not using)
Take one day off and lie in bed and watch TV all day.....Go exercise.....Get away from anything school related. I usually come back from a day of rest ready to go back to work.

I tried to get away from school work for a while by watching a little tube. Afterward, I managed to get some things done. Yes! School sucks and I am dreading every moment of it, but I am almost done. I'm closer than most so thank you for the words of encouragement!

As far as sucking it up, lol. I did that for many years that's why I have two bad ankles and a bad back! :-)
Hoping is good but doing is better!
plutoon Wrote:As far as sucking it up, lol. I did that for many years that's why I have two bad ankles and a bad back! :-)

I think you stole that line from me, I know I posted it some time ago. hilarious
I have the same issues with both my ankles and lower back. That's what you get for jumping out of planes for 7 years with the 82nd Airborne (well me anyways). I loved every minute of it though. But I wouldn't do it again.
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Excelsior College - DONE[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]AAS-[SIZE="1"]2009[/SIZE], BSLS-[SIZE="1"]2010[/SIZE] [/SIZE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="2"]Thomas Edison State College - DONE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]BA in History[/SIZE]-[SIZE="1"]2011[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE="2"]Texas A&M University Central Texas[/SIZE]
Master of Arts in History - 18/36 SH

CLEPs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Spanish, Freshman Comp, English Comp w/ Essay, Social Science & Hist, Info Sys & Comp App, Intro Sociology, Prin of Mngmt, American Gov , US History I, US History II, Western Civ I, Western Civ II[/SIZE][/SIZE]
DSSTs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction, Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, History of Vietnam War, Intro Modern Middle East, Western Europe Since 1945, Drug and Alcohol, Here's to Your Hlth, Intro To Comp, Prin of Sup, Technical Writing, Prin of Physical Science I[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
CLEP101, I knew there was a reason I didn't go Airborne - it was the ankles and back. It didn't have anything to do with my fear of heights or my thinking that jumping out of planes that were NOT about to crash for an extra $50 a month was for crazy people(present company excepted, of course!) I was worried about the folks I'd encounter in the Army when the recruiting station suggested I become an Airborne Radio something-or-the-other. (They lost me at airborne.) Sorry for hi-jacking the thread, but you just took me (unwillingly) down memory lane.

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