04-09-2018, 10:43 PM
I checked with advising today about the possibility of getting a second bachelors. The information I received is the opposite of what I was told six months ago so I'm wondering if anyone else can confirmed this. They said I do not need to take a second capstone but I do need to pay the residency waiver a second time (even though it's been less than a year since I paid the fee). I assumed they would tell me I had to do both, because that is what they told me last year. I was hoping I wouldn't have to pay the residency waiver since it's higher, but I'm glad to hear I don't have to take the capstone again. I'm not sure I'm going to do this at all but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask in the event study.com does add a couple of courses that aren't cheap to test out of. Another deciding factor of course would be what the residency waiver fee is after study.com discounts change.
MTS Nations University - September 2018
BA.LS.SS Thomas Edison State University -September 2017
BA.LS.SS Thomas Edison State University -September 2017