03-07-2018, 03:00 PM
Hey ya'll. I was wondering if anyone knows of a decently-priced EHS/OHS-type masters, online....possibly that accepts some transfer credits? Preferably RA. Self-paced preferably. CSU fit that, but they aren't RA. I see lots of "emergency management" type degrees that are aaaaalmost what I want, but not quite. I am interested in moving into a EHS position at my company at the end of the year, and would like to possibly be enrolled in another program by then. I have a shot already, but would l like to boost my chances however I can (going to do a quick OSHA 30 just because in the meantime). Considered certificates (don't know that I want to put in the time for a degree at the bachelors level, anyways...saving that for a 2nd degree from TESU in History possibly). If I get the position, an ASP and later CSP will be my educational goals after that. I plan to get the MSI training cert before the end of the year, also, as part of the job will be training.
We are all on the same side here, trying to better our lives....so let's get along and help each other out.
Learn a trade. Gain technical skills. Make money, then use this money to get a degree...if you have the desire.
Learn a trade. Gain technical skills. Make money, then use this money to get a degree...if you have the desire.