02-22-2018, 04:44 PM
Yeah....we are still in the dark ages with online and traditional old ways colliding. CLEP is way better as you have complete control. Some online classes I have taken through traditional schools have been hit or miss. I still think many traditional professors tend to resent their obligation to online courses. Love the snarky one or two words in the grading with it being past due for grading by three weeks. We pay a premium for degrees, the aggregate of courses, to procure jobs etc. The ROI on individual courses are appallingly low and frustratingly slow. I rant on this too much but I really hope the edu-revolution comes to fruition and disrupts this outdated and over price model. I love things like the online masters MOOCs coming out of GA Tech and U of Illinois. I feel the tide is turning for the better and disruptive models accelerate the process. In the future a student-centric model will thrive is my hope. Nothing worse than being utterly confused as to what an incompetent or spiteful professor wants day to day. Hopefully, you get clarity on this matter.