(01-04-2018, 03:02 PM)landa1995 Wrote: I was going to register for Micro and macro economic, world religion and Statistic before I came across this site. I have been researching Straighterline and study.com and I was wondering if anyone had input on which one would be better for these courses?
I have 36 credits from Sophia. I actually alternated 1 month with Sophia and 1 month with StraighterLine. The stark difference between the platforms kept me from getting burned out.
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics were my favorite Sophia courses. I recommend Kate as the instructor. Most of the answers come from her lessons. But you have to watch every video and take notes, they can't be just read because the visuals are so important to understand the shifts. Have you used the "ask a coach" feature? If you get stuck or can't find the answer to a question, tell them which instructor you are viewing and they will tell you if that answer is coming from a different instructor's videos.
I took World Religions with StraighterLine and it was a totally different experience from Sophia. I would recommend the StraighterLine to anyone who needed the Religion course.
I haven't taken Statistics, but I hear Business Statistics at Straighterline is highly recommended by others.