This is not a degree, but these classes can be taken to achieve the Child Development Associate certificate.
What kind of license does she have?
I just looked through the list at TESU and I don't see anything there.
That is the Bachelor's in general studies page for Charter Oak State College. They have concentrations in areas that might work for your friend.
The going rate for a Charter Oak degree is a bit over $3,000. I'm not sure if that is worth it. This is one of those situations where subbing, volunteering and networking are a better use of time. There are also an unlimited amount of ways to shift the emphasis within a resume. She has the certificate already.
This is not a degree, but these classes can be taken to achieve the Child Development Associate certificate.
What kind of license does she have?
I just looked through the list at TESU and I don't see anything there.
That is the Bachelor's in general studies page for Charter Oak State College. They have concentrations in areas that might work for your friend.
The going rate for a Charter Oak degree is a bit over $3,000. I'm not sure if that is worth it. This is one of those situations where subbing, volunteering and networking are a better use of time. There are also an unlimited amount of ways to shift the emphasis within a resume. She has the certificate already.