I'm working on a degree plan at Excelsior College (Bachelor of Science in Natural Sciences), and I'm allowed a handful of additional arts/sciences or applied professional credits. There is no mention of "free electives," so I'm wondering where "health" courses might fit in on this degree plan. For example, a course like this (HEA-305 Women's Health) - http://www2.tesu.edu/course.php?CourseCode=HEA-305
Secondly, what exactly are applied professional credits, and would health courses fit into this category? I know that business courses would never be considered arts/sciences, but what about health-related courses?
Thanks for the insights!
Secondly, what exactly are applied professional credits, and would health courses fit into this category? I know that business courses would never be considered arts/sciences, but what about health-related courses?
Thanks for the insights!