03-22-2017, 09:41 PM
lilclark0707 Wrote:KayV
My DD has read a complete History book covering the time frame of 1708 to 1991. She just can't seem to get a passing grade on the REA tests even tho she is scoring well on the IC flash cards. We want to know if the Clep is passable with the IC scores alone, or if the REA exams are a better score indicator.TIA
I am also a homeschooled high school student. I passed both US History exams in the last month. Very little of what I learned from Mystery of History 4 helped on the exam. I worked on the IC flashcards until I got 95% 3-days in a row on the entire set. Each day, I did the entire set and then went back through and did a second pass on the ones I missed. I read the REA books and took the online REA tests. I never scored higher than 65% on the REA tests. I don't recall any questions on the tests that the REA books helped me with but they did give me a good refresher on the timeline of events. I also read the entire Barron's AP US History book and took the chapter quizzes. It was more helpful than REA.
The two most helpful study tools were a set of flashcards on Cram.com and watching the History Channel President's DVD series. At least 10 questions were in the Presidents series that I did not come across anywhere else.
Best advice I can give you is to have the Constitutional amendments and presidents memorized in order. Knowing the key election dates and how many terms each president served helped me place the events in order on the test.
I'm sad to report that my vast knowledge of the Hamilton lyrics only helped me on one question on the entire US History 1 exam.