03-05-2017, 01:20 PM
Are the quizzes mirrors on the Final?
AAS WVNCC, completed 6/17. BS plan through TESU
Business Ethics 3 | Western Civilization 3 |Business Accounting 3 | Org Behavior 3| Intro to Nutrition 3 |Intro to Sociology 3 |US Hist I 3 |Intro to religion 3 |Anatomy & Physiology 3 |Intro to Communication 3| Macroeconomics 3| Microeconomics 3 |Business Law 3|English Comp 1| American History II 3 | Intro to Crim Just 3| American Gov 3|Accounting I 3|Business Principles 3| Business Stats|Cultural Anthropology|American History II| Account II|
Aleks College Algebra 3
TEEX CYBER102,201,301 6
84/120 Credits
In progress
English II |Financial Accounting|Intro to Envir Science
Business Ethics 3 | Western Civilization 3 |Business Accounting 3 | Org Behavior 3| Intro to Nutrition 3 |Intro to Sociology 3 |US Hist I 3 |Intro to religion 3 |Anatomy & Physiology 3 |Intro to Communication 3| Macroeconomics 3| Microeconomics 3 |Business Law 3|English Comp 1| American History II 3 | Intro to Crim Just 3| American Gov 3|Accounting I 3|Business Principles 3| Business Stats|Cultural Anthropology|American History II| Account II|
Aleks College Algebra 3
TEEX CYBER102,201,301 6
84/120 Credits
In progress
English II |Financial Accounting|Intro to Envir Science