02-17-2017, 05:22 PM
dfrecore Wrote:Answers are in bold red above.
So I don't mean to ask silly questions but I'm about to write an email to the TESU academic advising and I want to make sure I'm asking the question correctly the first time so that we don't have to go back and fourth e-mailing too much because I've heard they are pretty slow.
Anyways I have applied, been accepted and they have sent me e-mails saying that they have received my transcripts. However on the student website none of my courses are showing up yet so I guess they haven't approved them yet? Anyways hopefully they don't need to do that before answering my questions.
Do I just say something like "Will Study.com's Business 311: Project Management course transfer over as MAN-435 Project Management for my degree program?" Along with the same question for Labor Relations? -OR- do I also have to ask if Labor relations and Project Management will count in my Professional Business Requirements?
Thanks for all the help everyone.