01-09-2017, 12:33 AM
SaebScholar Wrote:I have taken a couple intermediate brick and mortar classes, over 6 years ago. However, do to life issues I was unable to finish. I am learning that if I can manage to get a 70% in Aleks Intermediate Algebra by the 31st, I can use it toward my degree.
Does anyone have a recommended way to efficiently pass this? Would IC college algebra flashcards be sufficient if I just drill them for the next week after work? Please help this is literally my first step toward finally getting my first degree and I'm a bit overwhelmed and anxious about it. The support I have received so far is heavensent.
EDIT: Also how many chances do I get to do this Assessment? If I get under 70% am I SOL and forced into sitting through the whole course?
You can get 3 Aleks courses done within that time frame. It all depends on the initial assessment, you have to be better than average, no one told me that when I started about 2 weeks ago and I started from a merger 3%, getting to 90% that I ended up with was taskful but achieveable. So, my advice is when you sign up, and get the initial assessment, you don't have to rush into turning it in as that could be the easy 70% needed to pass and move on. While on the assessment, for each question used Khanacademy to practice similar topics and take the practice question, and then when you have a better understanding for the formula, go apply it to the question. If khanacademy isn't as close to the question type, because I found out that it only had very easy and non-complex problems types for Math; In such cases, I asked myself what would I do or anybody who is faced with such problems in reality, research. So Google is your best friend, take you time, search for similar questions and all sorts of resources will come up, where you'll see how to solve the question and get your answer. I put in up to 6 hours into this and it has made it so easy to pass, with ample time to even take the 70% higher to 90%.