12-05-2016, 12:21 PM
stampbuyme Wrote:Looking for tips on how to get TESU to admit our 14 yr. old daughter. We were denied when she was 13 because she is not an adult. I know a handful of people who were admitted at 16 when it was TESC. We would really like to lock into degree requirements, as things seem to keep changing. Our daughter has 60 credits through CLEP so far and is interested in completing a 4-year degree (likely in business). Thanks if you can offer some insight in how to accomplish this goal. Thanks!
Depending on your state, she could be legally emancipated , which may help the situation. I was living on my own at 15. I could not enter into contracts with light companies, couldn't enroll myself in highschool, or appear for myself in court (Darn speeding tickets :roflol until after I was officially emancipated, no real problems afterwords though. Just an idea to look into.