11-16-2016, 10:34 PM
With Study.com, video is optional. Not every lesson has video (though most do), but all the video does is "illustrate" word for word the transcript of the lesson right below the video.
Aside from watching 2 or 3 vids (before I caught on that they were verbatim following the printed lessons), I completed both of my Study.com classes with just the printed lessons and the included flashcards.
Aside from watching 2 or 3 vids (before I caught on that they were verbatim following the printed lessons), I completed both of my Study.com classes with just the printed lessons and the included flashcards.

Community College: College Success Skills | Gen. Psychology | Span 1 | Eng. 101 | Accounting 1 | Accounting 2 | Comp Skills
Study.com Scholarship: Per. Finance | Prin. of Marketing | Digi. Mark. & Advertising | HR Manage. | Prin. of Finance
The Institutes: Ethics
Sophia: Proj. Management
Straighterline: Survey of World History | Principles of Management | MacroEco. | MicroEco. | American Gov | US History 1 | US History 2 | Western Civ 1 | Western Civ 2 | Business Law | Intro to Religion | Cultural Anthropology | Intro to Environ. Science | Intro to Soc
ALEKS: Inter. Algebra | College Algebra | Intro to Stats
TEEX: Cyber 101 | Cyber 201 | Cyber 301
NFA: Fire Service Supervision: Self Study
Certified: Six Sigma Yellow Belt [8 PDU]
Study.com Scholarship: Per. Finance | Prin. of Marketing | Digi. Mark. & Advertising | HR Manage. | Prin. of Finance
The Institutes: Ethics
Sophia: Proj. Management
Straighterline: Survey of World History | Principles of Management | MacroEco. | MicroEco. | American Gov | US History 1 | US History 2 | Western Civ 1 | Western Civ 2 | Business Law | Intro to Religion | Cultural Anthropology | Intro to Environ. Science | Intro to Soc
ALEKS: Inter. Algebra | College Algebra | Intro to Stats
TEEX: Cyber 101 | Cyber 201 | Cyber 301
NFA: Fire Service Supervision: Self Study
Certified: Six Sigma Yellow Belt [8 PDU]