09-18-2016, 04:16 PM
This is on the UFT website:
I still need to meet some of my state requirements. Can I do that by taking exams, online courses or classes at out-of-state institutions? How can I be sure the State Education Department will accept these credits?
A:Yes, you may be able to meet some state requirements in this way. For example, you can eliminate course credit deficiencies for your state certification requirements by getting passing grades on exams given by the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) or Excelsior College Examinations.
The credits you earn by taking these tests also count toward the credit requirements for either the first or second salary differential. You will need to request a transcript from the testing company
The exams you take should not duplicate any college courses you already took. If you have questions about these exams,
CLEP offers exams in 35 subjects. For more information about CLEP go to http://www.collegeboard.com/student/test...about.html.
You can get current information about DANTES at DSST | Get College Credit or by calling 1-877-471-9860.
To check on Excelsior exams, go to Excelsior College | Excelsior College, then click on Exams, or call 1-888-72EXAMS.
DSST seems to have easier exams. I am going to call tomorrow and verify they are still accepting these exams.
I still need to meet some of my state requirements. Can I do that by taking exams, online courses or classes at out-of-state institutions? How can I be sure the State Education Department will accept these credits?
A:Yes, you may be able to meet some state requirements in this way. For example, you can eliminate course credit deficiencies for your state certification requirements by getting passing grades on exams given by the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) or Excelsior College Examinations.
The credits you earn by taking these tests also count toward the credit requirements for either the first or second salary differential. You will need to request a transcript from the testing company
The exams you take should not duplicate any college courses you already took. If you have questions about these exams,
CLEP offers exams in 35 subjects. For more information about CLEP go to http://www.collegeboard.com/student/test...about.html.
You can get current information about DANTES at DSST | Get College Credit or by calling 1-877-471-9860.
To check on Excelsior exams, go to Excelsior College | Excelsior College, then click on Exams, or call 1-888-72EXAMS.
DSST seems to have easier exams. I am going to call tomorrow and verify they are still accepting these exams.