08-29-2016, 10:47 AM
futuremrsmlb Wrote:I really appreciate all of the sound advice here.
Just to add:
*I would never leave a job before securing another.
*Just as one poster stated, the best time to find a job is while being employed.
*Delegating tasks that are delegated to me is not an option.
*I enjoy my job, it's the people that seem to be the issue. There is a severe lack of responsibility and accountability within the organization.
*Everyone looks for anybody to do something and when nothing is done, everybody blames somebody else. (this grinds my gears)
*I started working with the company with really high hopes of making a difference and encouraging CHANGE; this organization is RESISTANT to change even if it saves on cost, time, resources..ect. The culture is along the lines of "do it this way because it's always been done this way."
Doing things out of the norm really confuses these people. New and different thinking is not appreciated. I am being stifled, my growth is stunted here....I could go on but I think you get the point.
Everything you listed sounds just like the company I was working for. They were very resistant to change. I really got fed up with all the B.S. I witnessed on a weekly, monthly, yearly basis, and this was my prime motivation for finishing my degree. So I could branch out, and explore other options.
There seems to be a lot of companies these days that care more about the bottom line than being loyal to there employees, which quite frankly is sad, ignorant, and really hurts anyone who thinks that they can work their way up from the bottom without having to brown-nose and kiss butt to management.
My next job will be an organization that is open to change and feedback. If company doesn't meet my criteria, then I won't pull the trigger. To many companies just want to take advantage of those that need a job to pay the bills or are in debt. I won't be a slave to the idea of corporate america anymore. I do believe there are a few good companies left that will be a good fit, just stay positive and keep grinding.