07-11-2016, 12:52 PM
Prloko Wrote:Even still, I find that those ratings are worthless and don't talk the the true content.
Still, I should have probably been a little more clear, as I didn't explain fully. We actually "unplugged" recently and have amazon prime and hulu accounts. It seems ALL the shows except for maybe the absolute children's content (think Barney) have really strong adult themes. Again, I'm not a prude and I'm a realist. I remember middle school for myself and the sexually charged conversations children have. I am fully aware that my daughter knows all of the situations in the programs. Still, I as her father DO NOT want to watch these scenes with her. Many a tv night is ruined with completely unnecessary and gratuitous scenes which are more and more teetering on full porn. Then I watch something with a TV-14 rating, and still, the commercial played is a sexually laced expletive marathon, which anyone who watches hulu knows you'll see that commercial at least 6 more times during the program. I even watched a south park episode with my daughter that I had seen before and knew was "clean". Didn't matter, the commercial on was for Adam&Eve, a sex toy website.
I'm just glad we're a busy family and don't watch much television anyway.
You're right- I have a good specific example in mind. I watched the pilot for a show called How to Get Away with Murder. Two of my sons (17 and 21 at the time) watched it too. It's rated TV14. I loved the pilot. Seriously my kind of show- my oldest started watching it too. Our family uses our computers to watch tv (usually through hulu) so frequently in separate places at separate times.
Holy porno Batman. I can't remember the episode number, but it was early on- maybe 3 or 4, was full front of a man completely nude. The front of his groin was covered by the back of a man's head performing oral sex. Excuse me?! I looked up TV14 and it says this:
Parents Strongly Cautioned
This program contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age. Parents are strongly urged to exercise greater care in monitoring this program and are cautioned against letting children under the age of 14 watch unattended. This program may contain one or more of the following: intensely suggestive dialogue (D), strong coarse language (L), intense sexual situations (S), or intense violence (V).
So, apparently intense sexual situations are included, and acceptable as long as you're 15. OMG