03-24-2016, 08:22 PM
I applied in Feb2016, and due to a prior application in 2013, the random advisor I spoke with today assured me, I'd be "locked in" to my BALS plan, but also advised that
I will need to do the new 16 credit requirement, and that TECEPs wouldn't count for residency.I registered and paid for a TECEP today,and see the TECEP in my online student services, under Grades>Term 2016>Description May2016>Start Date 5/2/16>End Date 7/24/16. Is that normal? My status is still NJAPP. I am guessing/hoping it may take a day or 2 for it to change. Or will it not change to enrolled status, as I am on the Pay Per Credit plan? Is there a way I can check into online student services to verify I am enrolled?
I will need to do the new 16 credit requirement, and that TECEPs wouldn't count for residency.I registered and paid for a TECEP today,and see the TECEP in my online student services, under Grades>Term 2016>Description May2016>Start Date 5/2/16>End Date 7/24/16. Is that normal? My status is still NJAPP. I am guessing/hoping it may take a day or 2 for it to change. Or will it not change to enrolled status, as I am on the Pay Per Credit plan? Is there a way I can check into online student services to verify I am enrolled?
Capstone LIB-495 April 2019
TECEP: 15 | University: 4 | DLIFLC: 45 | JST: 45 | TEEX: 6
Capstone LIB-495 April 2019
TECEP: 15 | University: 4 | DLIFLC: 45 | JST: 45 | TEEX: 6