03-21-2016, 10:20 PM
sanantone Wrote:I need to get going on a dissertation proposal this summer, but I've been cycling through a lot of ideas. I'm trying to find something that hasn't been done before and will add some valuable knowledge to the field. Has anyone seen any interesting criminal justice problems that need investigating and won't cost a ton of money to research?
what kind of research are you thinking? Surveys or something else? My budget was about zero lol, but I created a database of original content. Though it was a ton of work, it was easy work- collect and enter- and then the analysis of my work was fun (lots of graphs and tables). Now, if I'm being honest, I think creating original content rocks because a) the pleasure of doing something for the first time b) your committee hasn't already spent their careers immersed in the topic - so they have a little bit of a learning curve.
You could quarry search terms and hit on the ones with the fewest returns - not sure what the CJ journals are or what search tool you have at your disposal, but I like the idea of exploring new areas too.
Good luck!!