DBRENNAN118 Wrote:Love this forum. thanks all. i'm no kid - graduated HS like 25 yrs ago. I've had a pretty successful career, without the degree, but just never felt satisfied w/myself. I want that degree to 'tic the box', as well as to feel the accomplishment. As for a Master's, it would really be 'gravy', but I felt like if i were to do it, I would want to do it with a name school. Not sure why, just feel that way. I was curious from some of you seasoned vets on here, if a Masters from TESU would carry as much 'weight' as say a Penn State Online or similar. Not that I want to spend $30k, but I was curious. I have a friend w/a Masters from U of Phoenix, and it has not helped him one bit. I was unsure if that was due to the school, or him. I know lots to consider - just looking for support, insight, and a sounding board. Thanks again all. 102 CR as of this a.m, 6 more classes/tests to go!!
It really depends on what environment you are using the masters in. Much of the government it is just a 'tic in the box' while others such as engineering it matters. I feel the same way you do regarding degrees. I recently received my BA in Liberal Arts from TESU and just got accepted into a Penn State MS program.
Congrats...you are almost there!