09-15-2007, 07:10 AM
rmullins Wrote:I was wondering, How does everyone study? Do you have a certain>>
method that works great and fast?
I like to use the words "independent study" rather than "testing out." It may seem like a silly distinction, but for me, it helps me understand what I am trying to accomplish- which is learning on my own. I use the exam to "prove" my independent study was sufficient.
I like to understand vs memorize because on an exam, the concept will not be asked the same way as on the flashcards.
I always get a book (thrift stores, yard sales, discards from your local college, freecycle, library sales, etc.) - I always take online practice tests at Peterson's - I always use the internet to explore subjects I don't understand- and now I have IC too. I treat the material like I am developing my own course. What are the key events? Who are the key players? What makes them key? Making (rather than copying) your own topical outline can be very helpful. Keep developing it while you study. As you learn new things, you will have to revise your outline- this will help organize your new information and see where it fits in overall. This is a very useful tool.
Before I enrolled in classes, I averaged about 9 credits per month. Now I am down to the 6 credit exams, so I am doing 1 exam per month. Per suggestions here, I schedule my exam on the first day that I start my study. Keeps me on track.
If I can add one more thing. When I first started, I thought everyone went so fast, that it must be easy! Bain4weeks, Accelerated Distance Learning, etc. Don't confuse fast with easy. People pass because people work for it. Don't think any of the exams will be on a silver platter- they all require study. When you read something like "it was easy, just know the cards" that person is only saying there were no surprises! "knowing the cards" will take hours of dedicated study time. Knowing the subject will take longer. Someone here has passed every CLEP, so it CAN BE DONE!! You can too!!
Just my two cents!