09-04-2015, 02:54 PM
Do you know how many hours have to be completed in residence to earn a degree at NMJC?
I don't really care one way or another. I just fear that if I apply to some place like FSU and they see that I graduated from an online college they won't take me seriously. In the real world if you have some experience the degree doesn't mean all that much. In the academic world it's a different story. Online schools have earned a bad reputation because of for profits.
I'm mainly concerned with returning to a four year school to earn a degree in Mathematics. I've spoken to a couple of Universities and was told by both that I needed to take some classes at a community college to show where I am at. The one school, FSU, told me I would need to take Calculus 1 and 2 along with Physics over again because it's been so long since I've had them. I will most likely try and test out of those because I have no interest in paying to take them over again.
Has anyone had any experience with the schools I've posted below? Or if you attended another school and had a positive experience please feel free to share.
rebel100 Wrote:NMJC offers speech online. They run around $100/credit, accept CLEP but I don't think DSST.
Administratively competent is sort of a moving target, NMJC is better than most in my opinion, but not the very best.
I don't really care one way or another. I just fear that if I apply to some place like FSU and they see that I graduated from an online college they won't take me seriously. In the real world if you have some experience the degree doesn't mean all that much. In the academic world it's a different story. Online schools have earned a bad reputation because of for profits.
I'm mainly concerned with returning to a four year school to earn a degree in Mathematics. I've spoken to a couple of Universities and was told by both that I needed to take some classes at a community college to show where I am at. The one school, FSU, told me I would need to take Calculus 1 and 2 along with Physics over again because it's been so long since I've had them. I will most likely try and test out of those because I have no interest in paying to take them over again.
Prloko Wrote:If the school you decide to attend accepts DSST exams, you can test out of speech using the DSST exams.
But seriously these days (as long as its not a for profit), no one really gives a rat's behind if the school is B&M. As long as you have experience, the degree checks a box. I do real well for myself with my online degree, and have recently been accepted into a quality B&M MBA school. But if B&M is your choice, then more power to you. Good luck.
Has anyone had any experience with the schools I've posted below? Or if you attended another school and had a positive experience please feel free to share.