05-03-2015, 01:47 AM
Although you may be discharged with a percentage from the Air Force this is not a disability rating from the VA. They are two different things altogether. I think the VA lets you submit your claim paperwork either 90 days or 180 days before you get out so if you plan on going for disability compensation from the VA now is the time to think about submitting your claim. It took me literally 18 months for my rating to be awarded. Also if you suspect that you have any issues now, make sure you go to the doc and get them checked out ASAP, this way the issues are already in your medical record and you don't have to try and prove that these concerns happened while you were in the service. Get everything you can think of into that medical record. It can be something as small as a weird feeling in your right knee. This can turn into a serious knee issue 20 years down the road which may require a knee replacement and since the military made you run all those miles for some years on rough concrete they should be paying for it...
2014 MBA Management & Strategy - WGU
2013 BS Nuclear Energy Engineering Technology - TESC[SIZE=2]
2013 AS Nuclear Engineering Technology - TESC
2013 BS Nuclear Energy Engineering Technology - TESC[SIZE=2]
2013 AS Nuclear Engineering Technology - TESC