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Bachelor's degree plan
I don't think you need any of the additional exams you have planned except 1, as it looks like you've fulfilled all of the degree requirements except one major component: your upper level credits in your major. You need to take a total of 18 UL credits, and the capstone counts as 3. Organizational Behavior counts as well. That leaves 4 UL courses needed.

There isn't an Abnormal Psych CLEP, but even if there was, it is a duplicate of the Abnormal Psych course you already took, so you don't want to do that.

You could take the UExcel exams: Research Methods, Psych of Adulthood & Aging, and Social Psychology. There are also 2 UL DSST History exams: Vietnam War & Civil War. It also looks like DSST Substance Abuse is an UL exam.

The only reason you might want to take TECEP's is to get the residency requirements to do the Per-Credit-Option, but with you having so many units from other places, it looks like maybe you don't want to do that. You would have to take the capstone plus 7 additional TECEP's to get that option, so you might want to just pay for the Enrolled Options plan instead.

You can just go to the TESC website and print the list of requirements for your degree, then sit down and put your classes in each section. Start at the top and work your way through the first 3 sections so you get those requirements done. Then, put 6 of your LL Psych and History courses in the Area of Study section, since you need 12-18 units of Psych or History there (including 15 UL credits). Put any courses that don't fit in the General Ed down in Free Electives. Then go back and fill in the rest with what you have. Look up General Education on the TESC website to see where things fit if you don't know.

You are so close to finishing! Congrats.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA

Messages In This Thread
Bachelor's degree plan - by blablyeah - 12-03-2014, 10:04 AM
Bachelor's degree plan - by blablyeah - 12-03-2014, 11:21 AM
Bachelor's degree plan - by sanantone - 12-03-2014, 12:42 PM
Bachelor's degree plan - by KayV - 12-03-2014, 02:58 PM
Bachelor's degree plan - by blablyeah - 12-03-2014, 03:16 PM
Bachelor's degree plan - by blablyeah - 12-03-2014, 03:22 PM
Bachelor's degree plan - by blablyeah - 12-03-2014, 03:25 PM
Bachelor's degree plan - by rebel100 - 12-03-2014, 04:06 PM
Bachelor's degree plan - by sanantone - 12-03-2014, 06:31 PM
Bachelor's degree plan - by KayV - 12-03-2014, 07:53 PM
Bachelor's degree plan - by blablyeah - 12-04-2014, 01:43 PM
Bachelor's degree plan - by sanantone - 12-04-2014, 02:05 PM
Bachelor's degree plan - by blablyeah - 02-12-2015, 09:54 AM
Bachelor's degree plan - by dfrecore - 02-12-2015, 08:08 PM

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