06-07-2014, 05:06 PM
HELP!! I need your HELP! My 11 year old already passed 5 CLEPS and has 15 credits. Now she is not being able to test under the new reigistration system. This is bright kid who worked her tail off for the Western Civ. I test, and she can't test! Please, call Kyle at the CLEP center and tell him how stupid this is! 9 months is plenty of time to set up a mail-in system. Shoot, they even have all our info since she already has an account, and they still won't budge! Kyle's number is 1800 257 9558. Could you take 5 minutes to help me raise a stink?? I've already contacted my senators, representatives, and dept. of education at the state and federal level. I've even contacted a watch dog group with our local news station. Ohh, I pray that being the squeaky wheel will pay off here. My kids was also planning to test Spanish in the next few weeks.