03-15-2014, 07:50 AM
Exfactor Wrote:Due to attending various schools I know personally that one class does not represent an entire educational institution. It's like me stating Florida State University is garbage because no one understood anything the physics professor was teaching as only one student out of 100 was the only one to make an "A" or "B" on the three test that were given during the course. We all have different experiences, but based on my experience no matter what school I attended every class was different from the next, no professor was alike. Some provided instruction, some were just their to get a check. Searching high-and-low you can find students who attend COSC, and TESC who feel that those schools are also "a good option for those who only plan to take the capstone and get their degree."\
Just to be clear. This is a course design issue, not a professor issue. I understand what you are saying about a variety of experiences, but higher education has a special status that allows it to get away with a poor quality product and remain above criticism. What other product would people people pay thousands for and shrug off poor quality? I am not saying this is unique to Excelsior, but I found it much easier to tolerate publisher provided curriculum when I paid $400 for a course rather than $1440. Hopefully, my future courses will be better quality. If so, I will brag about the high quality just as I will complain about poor quality if that is the case.