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Does it matter what degree I get before pursuing a Masters in Security Studies?
sanantone Wrote:You should choose whatever's fastest. If the major mattered, the individualized studies concentration would actually be worse. I doubt they will pay attention to specific courses on your transcript since there are no prerequisites. If you want to do some additional study on your own, you can always take the DSSTs on the Middle East, Western Europe, and Russia and have those added to your COSC transcript even though they would be extra credits. If you're the type of person to pay attention to international politics, you should be alright. It doesn't even look like COSC is offering many political science courses that would even be relevant to international relations.


She's suggesting POL 250 Ethics in International Relations and POL 350 International Terrorism in place of my Technology in Law (which is a pre-requisite to completing the Paralegal Studies Concentration). She's concerned about the Pol Sci components but in my opinion even if I needed some bridge courses, they are a lot cheaper at ECU than they are at COSC because I would be paying in-state tuition so I figure just take them when I have to (if I have to).

I'm going to go with what you said and stick with the PS Concentration.

I don't know how but I forgot about the sequesters and furloughs that the gov't has been having. I remember thinking/worrying about that when I was mulling this over last year.


I wouldn't mind securing a job with this degree at some place like Dyncorp Int. if the money was right but I know those jobs are at the whim of the US govt as well.
Don't miss out on something great just because it might also be difficult.

Road traveled: AA (2013) > BS (2014) > MS (2016) > Doctorate (2024)

If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. Psalm 94:16-19

Messages In This Thread
Does it matter what degree I get before pursuing a Masters in Security Studies? - by soliloquy - 01-30-2014, 06:24 PM

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