08-08-2013, 03:02 PM
Rebel - could you send your info for a referral to me at deovolente228@gmail.com
rebel100 Wrote:Thanks, If anyone ever needs a referral let me know...WGU will waive your $65 application fee and I get a free mouse pad or t-shirt or something.
I just had Task 2 returned for more revisions...I really messed up not completing this course right after I did the simulation! In the weeks in between I have simply forgotten how/why I did some things. You only get 4 attempts at some tasks before they make you get signatures and promise to do better...I want to avoid that so I'm gonna pause and let the course mentor take a look before I proceed. I'm sure I missed some catch phrase or something that the grader is looking for.
I had the first conference call of the Leadership course today...this one should be kinda fun (though I hate relying on a "team"). We basically pick two sections of a book on leadership for new managers and write them...I got Leading Small Groups and Leadership Communications Each has to be around 8 pages double spaced. There is a bit of busy work like a couple paragraphs on my leadership style, comparing that to my teammates...but that's s no big deal. we have to finish in 4 weeks, I'm actually kinda happy to be in a course that will expect a set timetable for completion.
I have written a good portion of the Social Responsibility course, but I don't really like it and may start over. I won't be adding this class to this semester unless I get Supply Chain done. WGU is kinda like Mom at the dinner table...don't put more on your plate than you can eat. So in order to avoid any hassles with not finishing too many classes by the end of February I will do the work, but not turn on the course unless I am certain of completion. That's another cool thing about the program, you can work ahead as much as you like and then ask your mentor to switch the course on so and add it to your COS (course of study).