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a little WGU MBA review.... - rebel100 - 09-19-2012

Quick update....after I graduated, the program underwent significant changes. Know that the program as I experienced it doesn't really exist anymore. I still recommend the program, there isn't much out there that quite matches the WGU competency based approach....but you will now have exams and tests as part of the can no longer write your way through...May 19, 2015.

[/I]I'm officially 19 days into the Western Governors MBA in Management & Strategy, just notified that I have finished the Human resources Management component (2 competency units). I have to say I mostly like the format. You are given an assignment, shown the grading rubric, allowed access to the course materials....and your off! Finish as fast as you like, plenty of support form the course mentor (he called me twice to extend his help). There are active online facebook pages for each class made up of students, and there is a student mentor assigned to you that calls weekly and keeps moving things around for you, I was even able to entertain taking courses out of the normal sequence, though in the end I opted to just take them as they come.

It happens that I have become very busy and I'm not able to devote the time I had hoped to getting things done...but I'm still moving light years faster than a traditional MBA for me, I'm satisfied with it.

Very happy about the price structure $3500/semester, which actually runs for 6 calendar months in which you can complete as many courses as you like...some have rocked out an MBA in as little as one semester, it's often done in 2 semesters, and most commonly finished in just 3 (or 18 months). No books to buy, all study material is included.

I am still navigating through their unusual grading's called taskstream and they are like some invisible army of graders who mysteriously pass judgement on your papers/work. They either pass you, or send your work back for revision. All three of my tasks...two papers and a power point presentation in this case...were sent back initially for revision. I added a little more work to the tasks, resubmitted, and passed everything with just the one revision. Probably a week was lost awaiting taskstream comments/grading...but that's cool, I know what to expect now.

So that's it for to update my linkedin page then settle in for another course...I have actually started supply chain/logistics and also have access to e-commerce, see if I can get both completed by Halloween! Smile


a little WGU MBA review.... - alleycat - 09-19-2012

Congrats Reb on starting your MBA. Sounds like it is a great deal and a great format to follow. Keep us posted.

a little WGU MBA review.... - rebel100 - 09-19-2012

I was PM'ed...I tried to send you a message...but the system says your box is too full and won't let me send it. Here are your questions:

"Do you really like the program? So do they have other MBA's to choose from?
A very typical MBA program with 10 or 11 pre req'.
Does your program have many pre req's?"

My response:
I really do like the program...the grading thing is just weird, but I'm getting used to it and I'm starting to see it's advantages. They have the general Management and Strategy MBA I chose, a Healthcare MBA, and an IT MBA. The program is cool in that you have 10 competencies to work through like HRM, Supply Chain, finance, leadership, social responsibility, strategy, and a capstone (there are a couple of others, and the other concentrations omit a couple for other things). Once you figure it gets pretty clear....and sort of easy. If I can get life squared away I should be done in 1 semester....though it may take me 2 if things don't let up (I'm working full time, building a major home addition for my parents to move into, and I accidentally bought another house last weekend....long story) Smile

This is just a RA bells and whistles like AACSB accreditation and the like. I doubt that will ever matter to me, but it's important to some.

There were...get this...NO PRE-REQS! This was big for me. I really loathed the idea of tackling accounting/finance/and statistics...especially statistics. Even testing out this would have taken a long time and might have derailed the whole plan. I think WGU would even let you into their RA MBA with an NA undergrad...they boast about holding both accreditation's...that didn't matter to me, but good to know.

Im glad I switched from the WNMU MA...the MBA will serve me better and I was just dying spending 16 weeks on every felt like crawling through quicksand! I believe for test out folks like us WGU MBA is a fine way to go.

Where are you taking your MBA now? WGU probably won't give you any credit for what you've done, but you can start on the first of any month and you can just tackle the competency for anything your familiar with and knock it out...there are no test's, mostly just writing.

I certainly never mind you asking me questions...ask away, anytime! Smile


a little WGU MBA review.... - Ace_King - 09-20-2012

Sounds good! Thanks for the WGU update bud. Saved it in my bookmarks! Looking forward for more updates in the future bud. Like I said in the other thread, I am highly thinking of WGU for my MBA once I complete my bachelors. Maybe in the future they will obtain ACBSP or a similar accreditation. But a RA is just fine for me either way!

a little WGU MBA review.... - rebel100 - 09-25-2012

Update...25 days in and last night I re-submitted the work for the second course, e-commerce. If my revisions were sufficient hat will be 5 of 33 credits completed in under 1 month. I like this program.

a little WGU MBA review.... - ryoder - 09-25-2012

Thanks for the update.
How much of the assignments are paper based?
The NCU MBA is almost 100% paper based and each class is 8 weeks so you typically have 8 papers to write. Usually 1-2 of those papers are a powerpoint though.

I really wanted to try and get through the MS Information Assurance in 6 months. I studied for the CCNA and was planning on taking that prior to enrolling as it is part of the competency units and it would get me part way through without even enrolling.

a little WGU MBA review.... - rebel100 - 09-26-2012

ryoder Wrote:Awesome!
Thanks for the update.
How much of the assignments are paper based?
The NCU MBA is almost 100% paper based and each class is 8 weeks so you typically have 8 papers to write. Usually 1-2 of those papers are a powerpoint though.

I really wanted to try and get through the MS Information Assurance in 6 months. I studied for the CCNA and was planning on taking that prior to enrolling as it is part of the competency units and it would get me part way through without even enrolling.
The WGU MBA is almost completely based in writing. Your given a task, shown the grading rubric...and your off. You can choose to do all the classwork...or choose to skip it and go straight to the task. You can read the supplied material...or skip it. Totally up to you, once they grade you as competant your done.

For human resources it was two papers and a rather lengthy power point. E-commerce was (for me) an 11 page paper and mock ups of some model web pages. I had to work through a simulation in Supply Train and now have to write up the results.

NCU sounds harder! lol I'm happy with the rigor at WGU...the self paced is what really sealed it for me though...big big deal for me!

a little WGU MBA review.... - ryoder - 09-26-2012

Sounds good and the price is right.

a little WGU MBA review.... - TJD - 09-26-2012

I was planning to start Amberton University's MBA program in November but your story now has me reconsidering my options. I work full time and plan on setting aside about 10-15 hours a week on studies. My goal is to complete an MBA in about a year and a half and I like the idea of self paced courses. I was wondering if the workload is manageable and about how many hours per week have you been putting in.

a little WGU MBA review.... - rebel100 - 09-26-2012

TJD Wrote:I was planning to start Amberton University's MBA program in November but your story now has me reconsidering my options. I work full time and plan on setting aside about 10-15 hours a week on studies. My goal is to complete an MBA in about a year and a half and I like the idea of self paced courses. I was wondering if the workload is manageable and about how many hours per week have you been putting in.

My first two courses played to my strengths a bit, I didn't find them particularly difficult. I spent around 10-12 hours a week on it (a little less on human resources). I do have Finance coming up which seems to be a big stumbling block for many and supply chain is large and detailed...those two I expect to take longer and require more work. There are a few more softballs coming up as well though, leadership, social responsibility, and risk management should go down quick. The workload is manageable and if you talk with your adviser (you will be forced to anyway Smile ) you can schedule the easier courses around different milestones in your life...take the easy stuff when you need to and save the harder stuff for when you have more time so to speak.

Take a look at the MBA Management and Strategy PDF located here MBA Online | Master of Business Administration Degree Online | WGU College of Business just above the yellow box in the middle near the bottom...pretty good overview.

I wouldn't rate Amberton any higher than WGU based on name or reputation...either would be fine, but I think WGU is a LOT more flexible.