08-06-2013, 09:03 PM
Just wondering do you tip valet parkers? I actually hate valet parking period. I hate the fact of letting some strange guy, a lot of times unprofessional and greasy looking, park my car. I always feel like when I come back something will be missing or damaged and by the time I figure this out it's too late. I've actually had marks and small dents on my car after I valet parked and have lost pocket change several times (the times I've noticed probably equal over 30 bucks, God knows how much more I've lost). And before somebody says I should carry my pocket change with me, just think how ridiculous I would look with 2 huge bulges sticking out on both sides of my pants and coins jingling with every step. Why should I feel sooo insecure about a paid service that I don't even want but have to just to eat at a restaurant. A lot of times in LA just to valet your car cost over 5 bucks so I've decided not to tip these dudes anymore.
TESC BA June 2010
TESC BA June 2010