08-03-2013, 07:54 PM
UptonSinclair Wrote:I might try that Publius. I am going to wait until I finish the second writing course and see if the reviewer gives me credit for my Written English Requirement. If not, I may send an email to the dean of the liberal arts college and see if I can accomplish anything. Either way, I am within 30 credits of finishing my BS so my dealings with Excelsior should be limited.
I took the two English courses in a community college. But for the Expository Writing requirement for EC's BSN requirement, I just finished that up with BYU and EC accepted it. It was under $500. The problem with BYU is that the turnaround for grades is two weeks per assignment. It through my BSN completion off by an entire semester because I missed the registration deadlines because of waiting for grades. However, it was still less than 15 weeks as the course was self-paced. Now, I have registered to take 4 EC courses at once in order to make the January capstone course. Worst case scenario is that I will be in the April capstone if I bomb the two exams and repeat them in their course version.