07-23-2013, 12:27 PM
I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. It looks like we took similar paths except that yours was in the Navy and the nuclear field, while mine was the Army and computer field. I also didn't stay in as long before transferring over to the civilian world, but similar to you, it was the training and experience I received in the military that allowed me to start a rewarding and high paying civilian career without a degree. I'm also looking at getting my degree more for personal satisfaction than anything else. Best of luck to you on finishing up your degree.
I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. It looks like we took similar paths except that yours was in the Navy and the nuclear field, while mine was the Army and computer field. I also didn't stay in as long before transferring over to the civilian world, but similar to you, it was the training and experience I received in the military that allowed me to start a rewarding and high paying civilian career without a degree. I'm also looking at getting my degree more for personal satisfaction than anything else. Best of luck to you on finishing up your degree.