06-23-2013, 08:33 PM
Penn Foster Upper Level Business Courses
1. Business Statistics Business Statistics (OPM-351)*
2. Corporate Finance Corporate Finance (FIN-311)*
3. Cost Accounting Cost Accounting (ACC-303)*
4. Customer Service Customer Support (APS-302)
5. Employee Benefits Employee Benefits (HRM-337)*
6. Financial Management Principles of Finance (FIN-301)*
7. Human Resources Management Human Resources Management (HRM-331)*
8. International Business International Business (MAN-371)*
9. Labor Relations Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining (LAS-321)*
10. Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting (ACC-301)*
11. Marketing Introduction to Marketing (MAR-301)*
12. Marketing Research Marketing Research (MAR-411)*
13. Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior (HRM-311)* or (MAN-311)* or (PSY-361)
14. Principles of Management Principles of Management (MAN-301)*
15. Retail Management Retail Management (REM-301)*
16. Strategic Business Management Strategic Management (BUS-421)*
17. Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management (OPM-420)*
18. Training Concepts Training & Development (HRM-365)*
1. Business Statistics Business Statistics (OPM-351)*
2. Corporate Finance Corporate Finance (FIN-311)*
3. Cost Accounting Cost Accounting (ACC-303)*
4. Customer Service Customer Support (APS-302)
5. Employee Benefits Employee Benefits (HRM-337)*
6. Financial Management Principles of Finance (FIN-301)*
7. Human Resources Management Human Resources Management (HRM-331)*
8. International Business International Business (MAN-371)*
9. Labor Relations Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining (LAS-321)*
10. Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting (ACC-301)*
11. Marketing Introduction to Marketing (MAR-301)*
12. Marketing Research Marketing Research (MAR-411)*
13. Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior (HRM-311)* or (MAN-311)* or (PSY-361)
14. Principles of Management Principles of Management (MAN-301)*
15. Retail Management Retail Management (REM-301)*
16. Strategic Business Management Strategic Management (BUS-421)*
17. Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management (OPM-420)*
18. Training Concepts Training & Development (HRM-365)*