06-08-2013, 03:28 PM
Also, check out ed2go online course - Online adult & continuing education provider
Has he considered HVAC? I am working on getting my brother through his GED and then getting him signed up for the HVAC course at ed2go online course - Online adult & continuing education provider since there are no schools in his area that teach the subject. I've read that the HVAC field is going to be a high need field soon as the experienced baby boomers start retiring.
Then check out TESC for one of their technical degrees.
Has he considered HVAC? I am working on getting my brother through his GED and then getting him signed up for the HVAC course at ed2go online course - Online adult & continuing education provider since there are no schools in his area that teach the subject. I've read that the HVAC field is going to be a high need field soon as the experienced baby boomers start retiring.
Then check out TESC for one of their technical degrees.