02-09-2013, 10:04 AM
rebel100 Wrote:Hey, you are aware that Florida offers college courses FREE to homeschool students right? In addition to the concepts offers in Jen's book there is a whole lot of helpful stuff out there, particularly for Florida residents. Using the ideas in this book, coupled with the free courses, my daughter knocked out her AA before graduating HS. Shoot me a PM if you need info (don't want to high jack a great thread).Hi Rebel,
Thanks for your reply, as far as free courses for homeschool Florida residents I do know about dual enrollment, both of my older kids went that route. My youngest is not interested in college at this point but we all know that could change down the road. For her, coupling college level exams with existing high school courses along with a little test prep will work best for her (and me) at this point. I am done driving kids all over creation for classes, music lessons, sports, ect! It is worth it for me to spend the $100 on an exam. Are there other resources available that I should know about?