01-26-2013, 08:14 PM
I think you mean Psychology.... don't think there is a philosophy CLEP... :confused: If you did mean Introductory Psychology, I would go with that one and Sociology. They overlapped quite a bit; there was a good-sized chunk of information that was on both CLEPs. My thoughts on these two CLEPs are posted here ---> http://www.degreeforum.net/excelsior-tho...post136710 (additionally, if you'd like a list of specific things to study for Sociology, I compiled one that I could PM you if you'd like). They were both very easy CLEPs, but I'd say Psychology was easier. However, I didn't take Ed. Psych., so I don't know how that one compares to the other two.
Good luck on your tests!
Good luck on your tests!

Biology: 64 | College Algebra: 60 | A&IL: 74 | Natural Sciences: 62 | College Comp: 62 | Intro Psychology: 73 | Intro Sociology: 67 | History of the U.S. I: 73 | History of the U.S. II: 65 | Principles of Marketing: 66 | Social Sciences & History: 68 | Humanities: 58
Environment & Humanity: 59 | Technical Writing: 66 | Public Speaking: 67/Pass | Astronomy: 72
Other Courses:
Intro to Stats ALEKS: 70 | 24 FEMAs (including PDS) | Intro to News Reporting TECEP: Pass | Interpersonal Communication ECE: A | News Writing @ TESC: A | TESC Leadership Communication: A | TESC Mass Communication I: A | TESC Capstone: A | Marketing Communications TECEP: Pass | Argumentation & Debate @ LSU: A | Public Relations Thought & Practice TECEP: Pass
120/120 - DONE!!!
B.A. Communications through CollegePlus/TESC
My degree plan/test feedback
Biology: 64 | College Algebra: 60 | A&IL: 74 | Natural Sciences: 62 | College Comp: 62 | Intro Psychology: 73 | Intro Sociology: 67 | History of the U.S. I: 73 | History of the U.S. II: 65 | Principles of Marketing: 66 | Social Sciences & History: 68 | Humanities: 58
Environment & Humanity: 59 | Technical Writing: 66 | Public Speaking: 67/Pass | Astronomy: 72
Other Courses:
Intro to Stats ALEKS: 70 | 24 FEMAs (including PDS) | Intro to News Reporting TECEP: Pass | Interpersonal Communication ECE: A | News Writing @ TESC: A | TESC Leadership Communication: A | TESC Mass Communication I: A | TESC Capstone: A | Marketing Communications TECEP: Pass | Argumentation & Debate @ LSU: A | Public Relations Thought & Practice TECEP: Pass
120/120 - DONE!!!
B.A. Communications through CollegePlus/TESC
My degree plan/test feedback